The most important day I remember in all my life is the one on which my teacher, Anne Mansfield Sullivan came to me. I am filled with wonder when I consider the immeasurable contrasts between the two lives which it connects. It was the third of March, 1887, three months before I was seven years old.

Class 12 Notes General English

Answer the following questions in 10-15 words each:

Q.1: Who was Anne Mansfield Sullivan?

Ans: Anne Mansfield Sullivan was the teacher of Hellen keller.

Q.2: What was something unusual happening at the narrator's home?

Ans: Helen's Teacher was expected to come and preparations of her welcome were in progress.

Q.3: What was the narrator doing while sitting on the steps?

Ans: She was waiting anxiously for something unusual to happen.

Q.4: What was the wordless cry of the narrator's soul?

Ans: It was the gift of light and the light of love shown on the narrator.

Q.5: Who had sent the doll for the narrator?

Ans: Blind children from Perkins institute had sent the doll to the narrator.

Q.6: How did the narrator learn to spell the words?

Ans: The narrator learnt to spell the words by learning finger play.

Q.7: Why did the narrator dash the doll upon the floor?

Ans: The narrator did so because she was annoyed with her teacher. She was unable to understand the difference between mug and the water.

Q.8: List the few words that the narrator teacher made her learn?

Ans: The words were pin, hat, cup and some verbs like sit, stand and walk.

Q.9: What did the narrator learn at the well-house?

Ans: She attained consciousness and learnt the mystery of language as the cool water flowed over her hands.

Q.10: What made the narrator repent and feel sorrowful?

Ans: After returning from well-house, the narrator realised that everything around her is filled with life. She realized what she had done, and for the first time she felt repentance and sorrow.

Answer the following questions in 50-60 words each:

Q.1: Write the theme of the chapter 'The Story of my life' in your own words?

Ans: The Story of my life is a self-portraying record of helen keller's life. The best topic of this is perseverance.Without the capacity to see or hear, keller figured out how to live like ordinary individuals is something which we are astounded by. Indeed, even as a kid, she tracked down ways of aiding her mom around the house, as opposed to remaining in a world that was dull, quiet, and forlorn. Furthermore the awful fits are likewise a direct result of her outrageous frustation of not having the option to convey. When she conquered her hindrances and figured out how to convey, she was headed to achieve her significant standards. She accumulated numerous accomplishments, yet she likewise gave credit for her achievements to her allies.

Q.2: Draw a brief character sketch of the narrator(helen keller)?

Ans: Helen is the creator of the book. Whenever she was a newborn child she fell genuinely sick. She was left visually impaired and hard of hearing. She was a quick student. She had a solid assurance to battle despite everything of life. She understood that she was unique in relation to others around her, yet she gave a valiant effort to make her comprehend. She had a caring relationship with her family,teachers and companions. In the early stages she attempted to comprehend the reason why she was so unique in relation to other people. Before long she became anxious and had an inclination to be like others. She turned out to be very determined and in some cases antagonistic. Keller was a spurred and clever understudy. She buckled down with her educator Mrs. Sullivan and at last figure out how to impart. She figure out how to understand braille and observed the world open further for her. Then, she figured out how to talk she proceeded to go to Radcliff school for her graduation. Keller worked for individuals like her. She turned into a vocal promoter for the actually tested. She instructed the general population about the requirements of the visually impaired, hard of hearing and quiet. She was an indefatigable social reformer.

Q.3: Describe the narrator's experience with her teacher?

Ans: Character sketch of Helen Keller:

  • Helen was a reliable and dedicated young lady.
  • She attempted 100% of the time to learn new things and gave her all to encounter new parts of life.
  • For an individual who can't see or hear, it is undeniably challenging to carry on with an ordinary life yet Helen never allowed herself to feel that she is not the same as others in any capacity. She had such a characteristic enthusiasm for realizing which spurred her 100% of the time.
  • Her persistent endeavors commitment were productive. She turned into the absolute first hard of hearing and visually impaired individual to finish her graduation.
  • She had extraordinary characteristics like assurance, tirelessness, immovable self-assurance, and mental fortitude which turned into the vital parts of her character.
  • She had the sensation of sympathy towards everybody and treated everybody with affection and warm conduct.

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