The story recounts the hard life willfully spent by two young boys so that they could pay for the treatment of their sister afflicted with tuberculosis.The boys’ sacrifice, their sincerity and devotion to the cause and the maturity they display in their actions gives a new hope for humanity.

Class 12 Notes General English

Answer the following questions in 10-15 words each:

Q.1: What were the jobs that the two boys undertook?

Ans: They polished shoes, sold fruits and newspapers. They also worked as tourist guides.

Q.2: Describe the physical appearance of both the boys.

Ans: The two boys were little figures with brown skins, tangled hair and wore shabby clothes.

Q.3: How were the two boys useful for the narrator in many ways?

Ans: They brought chocolates, shined shoes and booked seats for the Opera for him.

Q.4: Why did the two boys work endlessly?

They worked very hard to pay for the treatment of their sister, who was suffering from Tuberculosis of the spine.

Q.5: Where did the narrator drive the two boys?

Ans: He drove them to a village, Poleta which was 30 kms from Verona.

Q.6: Who was the woman at the village?

Ans: She was a pleasant looking woman who was dressed in the white uniform of a nurse.

Q.7: What made the narrator follow the boys?

Ans: The narrator wanted to see whom they were visiting.

Q.8: What did Lucia aspire to be?

Ans: She aspired to be a singer.

Q.9: Why was the narrator deeply moved?

Ans: To see the love, emotions and devotion of the two young boys towards their sick elder sister.

Q.10: What made the two brothers and their sister orphans?

Ans: The war made the two brothers and their sister orphans.

Q.11: What is the message conveyed by the two boys in the story? Say in your own words.

Ans: They convey the message of selflessness in relations. Devotion makes a family happy.

Answer the following questions in 50-60 words each:

Q.1: Draw a brief character-sketch of the two boys in the story.

Ans: This interesting story is written by A.J.Cronin. This is a story of two brothers and their sister. The elder brother Nicola was thirteen years and Jacopo was 12 years old. They were motherless. Their father was killed in a war. A bomb destroyed their house. So they became homeless and orphans. Their sister Lucia was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine.

Q.2: Draw a brief character-sketch of the two boys in the story.

Ans: The writer met them in Verona. They were very poor. But they did not become beggars. They polished shoes, sold fruit, newspapers , worked as guides etc. They worked hard to pay for the treatment of their sister who was suffering from tuberculosis of the spine. The story conveys the message of love, devotion, and selflessness.

Q.3: Write the theme of the story – ‘Two Gentlemen of Verona’ in your own words.

Ans: This interesting story is written by A.J.Cronin. The theme of the story is that we should face the misfortune of life boldly. The story shows us the courage and devotion of two small boys. They became homeless and orphans. Yet they were hopeful. They worked hard to pay for the treatment of their only sister. Due to their care their sister survived. So the story conveys the message of love, devotion, and selflessness.

Q.4: Explain in brief the conditions in which the two boys grew up?

Ans: This is the story of two young boys who led a comfortable and cultured life. Their sister Lucia was training to be a singer. Their father who was a widower was a well known singer. He was killed in a war. A bomb had destroyed their house. So they became homeless and orphans. They suffered horribly from near starvation and exposure to the cold weather. Lucia was suffering from TB of the spine. They worked hard to pay for her treatment.

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